March 2013
The QINet team in Angola started the work to implement the QINet project.Under t...
March 2013
The QINet Angola started the process of recruiting for the main team.Under the r...
January 2013
The QINet´s technological platform for local, district, national and globa...
January 2013
Now you can join the QINet community in social networks and thus monitor the day...
March 2012
Mr. Rui Bram, author and director of the QINet Project will be in Addis Abeba on...
QINet Implementation
QINetSchool system under development
The QINet team for the technological development together with its partners started the development of the QINet platfor...
The development of the QINetLibrary4All platform has started
The technological team for the QINet developmenttogether with its partners have started the development of the QINetLibr...
QINet´s curricular plans under development
The QINet´s educational team began the process of development of the international curriculas plans. After an exh...
QINet Network
QINet Partners
The Metatheke has joined the network of  technological partners for the QINet´s  implementation.
QINet Partners
The ISTEC has joined the network of educational and tecnological partners for the QINet´s  implementation.
QINet Partners
The Bug Engenharia e Serviços has joined the network of technological partners for the QINet´s  implem...
Estudos mundiais sobre educação
  • The Millennium Development Goals Report - UN Report - 2013 [Download]
  • OCDE - Education at a Glance - Countries’ Educational Performance - 2013 [Download]
  • EFA GOAL 2 - Universal Primary Education - 2013 [Download]
  • UNESCO Handbook on Education Policy Analysis and Programming, Volume 1 - 2013 [Download]
  • UNESCO Handbook on Education Policy Analysis and Programming, Volume 2 - 2013 [Download]
  • The Millennium Development Goals Report - UN Report - 2012 [Download]

Disponível Brevemente!



É o local para você que tem um projecto, ideias e precisa de recursos financeiros para colocar tudo em prática. Com a ajuda de todos, transformaremos sonhos em realidade. Mudaremos vidas. Disponível brevemente.

O nosso sistema de apoio(QINET DOAÇÕES), promete funcionar de forma transparente, comprometendo-se a garantir que toda doações chegue ao seu destinatário.
